
Think you know your Timbers trivia? Prove it

Think you know your Timbers trivia? Prove it -

Devout fans of any sports team like to flex their knowledge of their favorite side. Well, Timbers fans, here’s your chance to prove what you know while earning great prizes, and most importantly, helping out a worthy cause.

Join other Timbers fans at the Sellwood Public House on Wednesday, October 2nd at 7 PM for Timbers trivia. Fans will be able to compete for Timbers Army prizes and bid on two team-autographed raffle items.

Teams are limited to 6 members and there is $10 entry fee per person that will go directly to Operation Pitch Invasion’s Bless Field project. So grab five friends and head out to Sellwood Public House on October 2nd to prove once and for all that you are the most knowledgeable Timbers fan.